
Descendant of Beijing Dough Figurine_面人郎

Mould.Lang Jia Ziyu, third generation descendant of Mianrenlang.I am Lang Jia Ziyu. I am a senior student at the International Relations Institute. I am the third generation descendant of Mianrenlang, as well as a teacher for dough modeling.My father said when I was 3 or 4 years old, I would watch him dough modeling. Hands-on practice always fascinates little kids, so I was no exception.When I was 4 or 5, I started to finish one piece on my own.
捏造,郎佳子彧,面人郎第三代传人,我叫郎佳子彧 ,现在就读于国际关系学院,大四,是北京面人郎第三代传人,同时也是面塑老师。听我父亲说大概三四岁左右,就会一直坐在他旁边看他捏面人,动手实操的(东西)很神奇,就特别吸引小朋友,所以我当时也不例外,大概是四五岁左右,自己尝试去独立地做一个作品。

The process of dough modeling started from the head to toe, from inside to outside. You see each part as small combination. Each combination starts from inside to outside, layer by layer, even the clothes. You have to have full control of the dough, no matter a thread or a block.

(The idea is good). Zhichun Lang, second generation descendant of Mianrenlang.(But I am afraid you will start all over again). (Let me try it).The themes of dough modeling that I have been dealing with, are mainly two parts: one is what my father taught me, the so-called heritage part of dough modeling traditional figures. It is the essential and basic part that you should master.For example, longevity god, servant, funeral maid, etc., relatively traditional figures. From a non-heritage point of view, if you see something as a traditional culture, then it means it is not of mainstream anymore. It is no longer from contemporary life, thus its audience is not as wide as before.
(想法是好的)郎志春   面人郎第二代传人   (我是怕这一段白捏)(试试吧)我所接触到的面塑题材,主要分为两个部分。第一个就是我爸教给我的,就是所谓的传承的部分,传统的一些形象项目,是你掌握这个技术的必要的一个门槛,比如说寿星,侍女,出殡的这些,就比较传统的,从非传承的角度来讲,就当一个东西它被称作是传统文化的时候,他就可能不那么主流了,它不再源于当代的生活,它的受众就没有以前那么的广了。

Another theme is about me, about how I feel, think, see and love in life. It is what I want to express though dough modeling. Only your theme is close to people’s daily life, then people will pay attention and show interest.Then it will have life.

It should be at around half of the body. Lang Jia Ziyu teaches dough-modeling classes at the Beijing Union University.(Its eyes should take 2/3 of the width on the top),Junior students at Union University have their own thoughts when they are doing their work. I might do something extra and start to teach dough modeling. But afterwards, I feel really relaxed. (Don’t put the eyes on the top of the head or down to where the mouth is.)

I see teaching dough-modeling as a way of promotion. Even he won’t get into the dough modeling business further on, or quit doing it. But he has got to know dough modeling, and when he comes across it later, he would say, I have done it before.I have experienced it. I know how making Dough Figurine feels like.

There are 9 brothers and sisters from my dad’s generation, who know how to do dough modeling. He is the youngest. When it gets to my generation, the third generation of Mianrenlang, only me know how to do it. First generation of Mianrenlang, Liang Shaoan, "Corn Grasshopper" in 1981.Second generation of Mianrenlang, Liang Zhichun,"Five hundred Arhat Mountain" in 2015.Third generation of Mianrenlang,Lang Jia Ziyu, "paralysis" in 2016.

I see my life from the beginning to the end as a carrier for the dough modeling art. I don’t know what I can bring to dough modeling art.I hope one day I can get to teach my kid dough modeling, and the way would be different from how my dad taught me.

Create various faces and lives through dough modeling.Best stories can be told in affection.(Dirty braids gave me the life I want.) (We just want to be ourselves.)The places that you have never been .People can’t only live for safety.The amazing people that you have never met, the fine things that you have never known, the gourmet that you always choose to neglect.The life is way more interesting than movies, the legend from the ordinary people around you, a brief record of dreams and enthusiasm .I am a model of plus-size, why girls of plus-size can’t be models?They pass by bustling streets and dense crowd, only to meet with you.(He said, Guanzi, I want a home.)They have been sealed for years, and only want to share the deepest feelings with you.You can create happiness for others and yourself.
捏过民间百态颜,造出浮世千层味,最好的故事可以被深情讲述,(脏辫给了我想要的生活)(我们就是要做自己)是那些你从没有抵达过的远方,(人总不能是光为着安全的活着)。你未谋面过的俗世奇人 ,你没有接触过的精致造物,你常常选择忽略的温暖美食,他们是远比电影更加精彩的生活,是来自你身边平凡人的传奇,是饱含梦想和热情的简短记录。(我是一个大码的内衣模特)(为什么大码的女生就不可以做模特呢),它们在穿越熙熙攘攘的大街和密集的人群,只为和你相见,(他说,管子,我想要个家),它们封存了多年,只愿和你一起,感受生命中, 最真挚的感动,(你可以自己制造快乐给别人)(也要制造快乐给自己)。

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