How to Have Sex in a Car.
Since it arrived in the 20th century,the automobile has provided an alternative place for sexual congress.The following are simple instructions for heterosexual, two-person sex in a car.You will need A car and a consenting sexual partner of legal age.
步骤1, 确保车辆的座椅和地板相对干净,在车震过程中,气氛会被腐烂的食物和其他拥挤的杂物扫兴,虽然有些人点燃蜡烛来增加浪漫,但这并不推荐,它们是火灾隐患并且停下来去点蜡烛会让败坏兴致,另外,优先考虑隐私时车内灯也没有帮助。
Step 1. Be sure that the seats and floors of the vehicle are relatively clean.The mood can be dampened by rotting food and other debris being jostled during the act.While some people burn candles to heighten the romance,it is not recommended.They’re a fire hazard--and stopping to light them can kill the spontaneity.Also, interior light isn’t helpful when privacy is a priority.
步骤2, 将车辆停放在安全、水平、合法和隐蔽的区域。关闭车灯,停车位的合法性尤为重要,因为警察的打扰可能破坏你的计划。
Step 2. Park your vehicle in a safe, level,legal, and secluded area.Turn off the lights.The legality of the parking spot is especially important as an interruption by police could derail your plans.
步骤3, 如果你想播放情调音乐,打开点火开关,以便不会消耗电池。
Step 3. If you want to play mood music,leave the ignition on,so as not to drain the battery.
Step 4. Decide whether to have sex in the front passenger seat or in the rear (passenger seat).The driver’s seat isn’t ideal because of the steering wheel.The backseat provides the most room,but it’s less spontaneous,and one is more vulnerable if interrupted.If your vehicle has fully adjustable seats,lower the front passenger seat to horizontal.
步骤5, 脱下必要的衣服,并把它放在空座位或搁脚空间,最好是你不会使用的地方,如果你和你的伴侣每人都有一个位置,车震后可以很容易找到和整理衣服。
Step 5. Remove the necessary clothing and place it in an empty seat or footwell--preferably one you won’t be using.If you and your partner each claim one area,finding and sorting clothing after sex will be easy.
步骤6, 采取姿势,男生应该坐斜着坐,而女生跨坐在男生身上,爬上换挡杆时要注意。
Step 6. Assume your positions.The man should sit reclining,while the female straddles him.Exercise caution when climbing over the gearshift.
步骤7, 车震。
Step 7. Have sex.
步骤8, 穿好衣服,开车载约会对象回家。
Step 8. Get dressed and drive your date home.
Did you know.Eighty percent of American adults claim to have had sex in an automobile.
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