
Run Away from the Haze _躲雾霾躲到海拔2700米的山中, 成都人也是拼了

Chengdu people have an old habit.  Once the sun comes out, we would chase the sun. The attitude here is around 2700 meters, which is 3-3.5 hour drive from here. The road is very bumpy, but it will not kill the passion that Chengdu People want to run from the haze.
成都人历来就有一个传统习惯,只要有太阳 一出来,我们所有人会奔着有太阳的地方去。咱们这里的海拔大概2700米左右,离成都大概有3到3个半小时的车程,虽然道路十分崎岖,但是依旧抵挡不住所有躲霾的朋友的热情。

Chengdu / Aba Li County/Cloud Ranch.My name is David, we run a hotel in Aba Li County, called  Cloud Ranch. When I came here in 2015, I firstly saw all the clouds flowing in front of me.75% of our clients come from Chengdu Metro District. Chengdu is located in the basin area, and doesn't get too much sun, especially during the winter time. The air is seriously polluted here.

The locals call it the Big Sun Mountain. All of the year here is sunny days, and you have to wear sunscreen. I always suggest people to stay here for at least two days. First day, we could drive to the top from the mountain foot, which counts the most exciting experience. From Chengdu to the foot of the mountain, the drive normally takes 2 hours tops.It is only 19 kilometers, but has 39 turns. Most places only have one road.

The Ranch has 6 guestrooms, with individual yards. Also we have 12 tents. We suggest people experience these two types of the accommodation. The yards all have heated floors. You can see the snow mountain, called Xuelong Mountain, if you open up the window.Its attitude is around 5300 meters. Until today, nobody has reached the top yet. Another type of accommodation is the tent, relatively rustic. The second morning, I can take you for a walk or ride our 4-wheel motorcycles.

90% of the population on the Ranch are mainly Qiang people. You can see a lot of deserted housing here. It was really difficult to build the place then, and it normally took them 3-5 years to build it. They collected stones while they were building the house, it would take them the whole year to build 2-3 rooms. During the construction,  the material was very lacking, and we chose to keep the demolition of old houses. You can still see the old walls, firewood, pig trough, and ladders of old Qiang people here.

In order to let the tourists experience the real Qiang culture, we invite some locals to do some performance. Qiang people are introverted, and they express their feelings through singing and dancing. There is an elderly person who shares the same name with me, who is close to 70 years old. He can dance up to 30 kinds of traditional and original dances. It is hard to imagine who will take over his role after he passes by.
为了让更多的游客感受到,我们羌族实实在在的东西,我们会请周边的老百姓到我们这边来,做一些表演性质的东西。羌族是一个比较内敛的民族,他们更多的是通过这种歌舞表现出来的,和我一个同名的一个姓余的老者, 他有接近70岁,他能够跳30多种传统的、很原始的这种锅庄舞,我们很难想象当他去世之后还有谁会跳。

After experiencing the Qiang Culture, I would suggest the tourists to check out the Taoping Qiang Village down the hill, where my friend Yaoge and his family live for generations.It has a history of more than 2000 years. It used to be 98 households, and looks like a maze. You can go look for the 2000 year-old original towers, or the ones rebuilt after the earthquake. The whole village is built on the stone.

They sing different folk songs depending on different hills. Sometimes, we would invite some old ladies to teach our clients to do a little Qiang embroidery and flute. It is no big deal, but I want people to experience original Qiang culture in different space.
在哪个山头我们就唱哪个山歌,如果可能的话,我们会请一些老妈妈来教我们的客人, 做一个小小的羌绣,然后或者做一支小小的羌笛,也许这些其实算不了什么,但是也希望我们的客人能够在不同的场域空间能感受到一下羌族的这些原始的东西。

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