
How to Have Sex in the Office and Not Get Caught_如何在办公室羞羞而不被发现

How to Have Sex in the Office and Not Get Caught.

Whatever your reason for getting it on in the workplace –and, trust us, we don't want to know,make sure it stays between you and your amour.You will need Easy to remove clothes.A comfortable spot and wet wipes.

步骤1 确保你清楚所有办公室安全摄像头的位置,这样你的嘻耍喧闹才不会被录像,监视设备通常放置在出入口附近,以及在放有商品或其他贵重物品的房间里,但是雇主已知将摄像机放在员工的私人办公室里,把摄像机放在洗手间是非法的,所以这通常是一个安全的地方。
Step 1. Make sure you know the location of all office security cameras,so your little romp isn't caught on tape.Surveillance equipment is typically placed near entry and exit points and in rooms  than contain merchandise or other valuables.But employers have been known to put cameras in employees’ private offices.It’s illegal to put cameras in restrooms,so that’s usually a safe place.

步骤2 穿着性感的着装,意味着衣服可以快速穿上脱下并且不容易起皱,为嘿咻行动节省了大量的时间。女士们,请抹去你的口红,这样你的伴侣才不会留下痕迹。
Step 2. Dress for sex-cess,meaning clothes that go on and off quickly and don't wrinkle easily.Going commando saves a lot of time.Ladies, remove your lipstick so your partner doesn't become a marked man.

步骤3 选择一个没有太多人流的位置,带门锁的衣柜是一个很好的选择。
Step 3. Choose an out-of-the way location that doesn't get much foot traffic.A closet with a locked door is an excellent option.

步骤4 如果你有一间办公室,给自己录制一段假的电话会议,然后关门播放录音,一个重要会议的声音能让同事在闯入之前三思。依靠在办公室门把下的椅子,以阻止访客突然造访,如果有人问的话你可以随后声称门被卡住了。
Step 4. If one of you has an office,record yourselves having a fake conference call,then play the recording from behind closed doors;sounds of an important meeting will make co-workers think twice before barging in.Lean a chair under the office doorknob to thwart surprise visitors;you can later claim the door was jammed if anyone asks.

步骤5 不要在没有梳洗一番的情况下回到办公桌上,务必检查衣服有无暴露无遗的证据,例如衬衫外翻和纽扣掉落。
Step 5. Don't return to your desk without freshening up.Be sure to check your clothes for dead giveaways like inside-out blouses and missed buttons.

步骤6 等到夜晚每个人都离开方可安全嘿咻,在你选择时间和地点之前,还要确保你知道清洁人员的日常工作时间表,否则你会经历一种完全不同的爱爱中断体验。
Step 6. Play it safe by waiting until everyone leaves work for the night.Just make sure you know the cleaning staff’s routine and schedule before you pick a time and place or you’ll experience a whole different kind of coitus interruptus.

步骤7 如果你被发现了,简单地说声“抱歉”然后返回工作,试图解释或辩解只会使事情更糟糕。
Step 7. If you _are_ caught,say a simple "I'm sorry," and get back to work.Attempting to explain or justify can only make matters worse.

Did you know.Nineteen percent of men and eight percent of women say they've had sex at their workplace, according to one survey.

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