
Japanese mobile phones can’t take photos without sound_为什么日本的手机拍照时无法静音

Now Japanese mobile phones excluded mute shooting functions, even iPhones. The reason behind this is to stop taking photos without permission. You have to ask for permission to take photos.
现在日本的手机被取消了静音拍摄功能,连iPhone也是,取消的原因是为了,防止未经允许偷拍别人,如果要拍照的话事先要打招呼,这是一种规矩。(濑户正人 摄影艺术家)

(Silent Mode)Japan released camera with muted shutter. The first thing I did was to get on the subway, get close to people and take pictures of them without permission. They had different expressions, depending on whether they knew they have been photographed. In order to shoot this series, I have to choose this way. Right after I won a reward, the mute shutter function on the phone got cancelled.

I am half Vietnamese and half Japanese.(Seto Masahito’s childhood in Thailand)(Lien Chau international photography exhibition site 2016)I was born in a little town in Thailand. Around 8 year old, my whole family moved to Japan. My father opened a studio in Fukushima, I hope to inherit his studio, then I went to study at a photography school in Tokyo, where I met well-known Moriyama. In the end, I did not inherit the family business, but I wanted to become a photographic artist like teacher Moriyama.
我是越南人和日本人的混血儿(濑户正人 儿时在泰国)(连州国际摄影年展现场 2016)出生于泰国的一个乡下小镇,在我八岁左右的时候,全家一起搬回了日本,父亲在福岛开了个照相馆,我希望将来能够继承父亲的照相馆,于是去了东京的摄影学校学习,在那里我遇见了非常与众不同的森山大道老师,结果最后我没有继承家业,而是想成为森山大道老师那样的摄影艺术家。

(Living Room)When I was 28 years old, I started my career as an independent photographer. Then many foreigners came to work in Tokyo, and couldn't fit in. I wanted to represent it through photos.  Considering the shooting site, I chose their rooms. They presented their own culture in their rooms inside Japanese apartments.

These people were relaxing and resting in their rooms. Only in this kind of private closed space, they could be their true selves, and enjoyed their exotic culture and lifestyles.I explained it with them in advance, that I would give them souvenir pictures, “So please let me record your life in Japan. “ So I took the photos after getting the permission.

(Picnic)My firm is right next to a large park, Yoyogi Park in the center of Tokyo. Many young couples come here to eat and rest. I wanted to take a picture of that scene, as a photographer. I asked if I could take a picture of them, and normally I would get rejected. So I started to think, because you would hold the 35mm camera (135 camera) like this, they would think you are a freak peeping them, which would give a bad impression to people. Then I was thinking using a big camera and bring a tripod along with me.

Excuse me, could I use this big camera to take pictures of you, and also take a Polaroid photo(fast imaging), for you as a memorial? After I said so, they would normally agree. I put a sheet on the ground. And people around them wouldn't mind much, even without walls, it gave a sense of bedrooms. It followed the same philosophy of the Living Room series. Through picnics, you can observe the living space of Japanese people. I shot pictures of a lot of people. The most impressing one is, I accidently ran into a middle-aged couple, who were sleeping in the woods by the river. It caught all of us by surprise.

Binran is a theme focusing on Taiwan. In order to sell areca, beautiful girls sit in a store, which is made all by glasses, and it is all lightened up at night, you can see through everything in the dark. What a surprising scene. I wanted to do a photo series on it. At first, I came with a Taiwan boy who speaks English. The girl saw two guys came in, asking for photos and wouldn't agree with it.

Then I asked a female student as my guide, and introduced me as a Japanese scholar who was studied Areca culture in Taiwan, and needed to take photos for research. Then they agreed to do it. During my photography career, I spent half of the time on persuading people to get permission. The rest is simple, I just need to shoot as the way I want.

Five years ago, the first nuclear power plant in Fukushima is destroyed by the tsunami. I used to live in Fukushima. A week after the disaster, I went back there. I traveled to all affected areas, and took pictures of them. Once when I was in the mountains, I saw a tree, lodging in sideways there, looking like a dead man. The radioactive substance is very beautiful to the nature. I used photography to represent things that you couldn't see using bare eyes. It is the theme that I am working on right now. I think I can make it.

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