
Descendant of Beijing Dough Figurine_面人郎

Mould.Lang Jia Ziyu, third generation descendant of Mianrenlang.I am Lang Jia Ziyu. I am a senior student at the International Relations Institute. I am the third generation descendant of Mianrenlang, as well as a teacher for dough modeling.My father said when I was 3 or 4 years old, I would watch him dough modeling. Hands-on practice always fascinates little kids, so I was no exception.When I was 4 or 5, I started to finish one piece on my own.
捏造,郎佳子彧,面人郎第三代传人,我叫郎佳子彧 ,现在就读于国际关系学院,大四,是北京面人郎第三代传人,同时也是面塑老师。听我父亲说大概三四岁左右,就会一直坐在他旁边看他捏面人,动手实操的(东西)很神奇,就特别吸引小朋友,所以我当时也不例外,大概是四五岁左右,自己尝试去独立地做一个作品。

The process of dough modeling started from the head to toe, from inside to outside. You see each part as small combination. Each combination starts from inside to outside, layer by layer, even the clothes. You have to have full control of the dough, no matter a thread or a block.

(The idea is good). Zhichun Lang, second generation descendant of Mianrenlang.(But I am afraid you will start all over again). (Let me try it).The themes of dough modeling that I have been dealing with, are mainly two parts: one is what my father taught me, the so-called heritage part of dough modeling traditional figures. It is the essential and basic part that you should master.For example, longevity god, servant, funeral maid, etc., relatively traditional figures. From a non-heritage point of view, if you see something as a traditional culture, then it means it is not of mainstream anymore. It is no longer from contemporary life, thus its audience is not as wide as before.
(想法是好的)郎志春   面人郎第二代传人   (我是怕这一段白捏)(试试吧)我所接触到的面塑题材,主要分为两个部分。第一个就是我爸教给我的,就是所谓的传承的部分,传统的一些形象项目,是你掌握这个技术的必要的一个门槛,比如说寿星,侍女,出殡的这些,就比较传统的,从非传承的角度来讲,就当一个东西它被称作是传统文化的时候,他就可能不那么主流了,它不再源于当代的生活,它的受众就没有以前那么的广了。

Another theme is about me, about how I feel, think, see and love in life. It is what I want to express though dough modeling. Only your theme is close to people’s daily life, then people will pay attention and show interest.Then it will have life.

It should be at around half of the body. Lang Jia Ziyu teaches dough-modeling classes at the Beijing Union University.(Its eyes should take 2/3 of the width on the top),Junior students at Union University have their own thoughts when they are doing their work. I might do something extra and start to teach dough modeling. But afterwards, I feel really relaxed. (Don’t put the eyes on the top of the head or down to where the mouth is.)

I see teaching dough-modeling as a way of promotion. Even he won’t get into the dough modeling business further on, or quit doing it. But he has got to know dough modeling, and when he comes across it later, he would say, I have done it before.I have experienced it. I know how making Dough Figurine feels like.

There are 9 brothers and sisters from my dad’s generation, who know how to do dough modeling. He is the youngest. When it gets to my generation, the third generation of Mianrenlang, only me know how to do it. First generation of Mianrenlang, Liang Shaoan, "Corn Grasshopper" in 1981.Second generation of Mianrenlang, Liang Zhichun,"Five hundred Arhat Mountain" in 2015.Third generation of Mianrenlang,Lang Jia Ziyu, "paralysis" in 2016.

I see my life from the beginning to the end as a carrier for the dough modeling art. I don’t know what I can bring to dough modeling art.I hope one day I can get to teach my kid dough modeling, and the way would be different from how my dad taught me.

Create various faces and lives through dough modeling.Best stories can be told in affection.(Dirty braids gave me the life I want.) (We just want to be ourselves.)The places that you have never been .People can’t only live for safety.The amazing people that you have never met, the fine things that you have never known, the gourmet that you always choose to neglect.The life is way more interesting than movies, the legend from the ordinary people around you, a brief record of dreams and enthusiasm .I am a model of plus-size, why girls of plus-size can’t be models?They pass by bustling streets and dense crowd, only to meet with you.(He said, Guanzi, I want a home.)They have been sealed for years, and only want to share the deepest feelings with you.You can create happiness for others and yourself.
捏过民间百态颜,造出浮世千层味,最好的故事可以被深情讲述,(脏辫给了我想要的生活)(我们就是要做自己)是那些你从没有抵达过的远方,(人总不能是光为着安全的活着)。你未谋面过的俗世奇人 ,你没有接触过的精致造物,你常常选择忽略的温暖美食,他们是远比电影更加精彩的生活,是来自你身边平凡人的传奇,是饱含梦想和热情的简短记录。(我是一个大码的内衣模特)(为什么大码的女生就不可以做模特呢),它们在穿越熙熙攘攘的大街和密集的人群,只为和你相见,(他说,管子,我想要个家),它们封存了多年,只愿和你一起,感受生命中, 最真挚的感动,(你可以自己制造快乐给别人)(也要制造快乐给自己)。

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How to Travel with a Cat_如何与爱猫一起旅游

How to Travel with a Cat.

Most cats are more comfortable being homebodies than world travelers.If you find it necessary to take your cat on a trip,the following guidelines will point you in the right direction.You will need.A cat carrier.A cat bed.A litter box and litter.Cat food.Water.And identification tag.optional:medication.

Step 1.Use a cat carrier.And get your cat used to spending time in it by taking it on short road trips several weeks before your trip.Be sure to use a U.S. Department of Agriculture-approved cat carrier for air travel. Consult your airline about size requirements.

Step 2.Equip the carrier with a bed and with a litter box and cat litter.

Step 3.Feed the cat several hours before leaving but make sure there is plenty of food and water available in the carrier.Bring the cat's usual food on the trip.Talk to your veterinarian about medication to prevent your cat from experiencing motion sickness during the trip.

Step 4.Place identification on the carrier,including your destination and telephone number.

Did you know,Cats were first domesticated about 4,000 years ago in Egypt.

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How to Help a Crying Baby Infant Care_如何帮助宝宝缓和情绪

So your baby's crying.What should you do to help them.There are certain basics that you start with when your baby's crying.

The easy ones first.Is your baby too hot?Babies can't self-regulate their temperature and sometimes they're just too bundled.They become very hot and they start crying.Are they too cold?Do they have a dirty diaper?If so you need to change it.Are they hungry?If so you need to feed them.

They may be between meals but a little ornery.You can try giving them a pacifier.You can try rocking your baby taking them for a stroll or ride in the car simply swaying with them.Distracting them with sound and music may also help them from crying.

If their crying is unusual where you think it's some sort of pain or very sudden in its onset,that could be something more and you'd want to speak to your doctor about it.

But typically the main things that make babies cry are being too hot, too cold, dirty diaper,not enough stimulation.Maybe they want to be picked up and held.Too much stimulation.Maybe they want to be put down and get some quiet time.Or they need a little stroll change of environment,or a pacifier and loving to make them feel better again.

Chances are if you try one of those things one of them will help stop your crying baby.

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How to Interpret Your Baby's Cries Infant Care_如何理解婴儿的哭声

Babies cry a lot so how do you know what the difference is between an I am tired cry or an I am in pain cry or an I am scared of you cry,that really depends on getting to know your baby.

As you get to know your baby,you will be able to identify which cry goes where. Generally the I am tired cry is a more flat drawn out cry, and then the I am in pain cry would be a very sudden onset,high-pitched cry as would be an I am scared cry.And usually a facial expression with the cry will help you figure out what's going on.

If a baby is crying for a long periods of time and no matter what you are doing they are inconsolable,that's the cry you need to check out.Usually if a baby cries and you offer them a pinky, a pacifier or a bottle,cuddle, holding them or rocking them.if that doesn't help,something else is going on and you need to figure out what's going on.

If your baby seems to be happy and all of a sudden has jags of intense crying out of the blue,that's some thing you want to look at.That could be a sign of reflux and you want to figure out when your baby is crying,and how they are crying,and the best way to do that is really observation.Matching the facial expression to the cry and realising what works for each particular cry.

Again,in the beginning I am in pain is the high-pitched cry nd I am tired cry is a kind of lower and longer cry.But the person who is going to know your baby's cry best is you after you get to know them and spend some time with them.

Remember the babies can't talk so the only way they can communicate with you is for them to cry.

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How to Make a Cat Scratch Pad_如何为爱猫制作抓板

How to Make a Cat Scratch Pad.This crafty cat scratch pad is a great way to recycle used boxes.You will need several medium to large cardboard boxes.Non-toxic craft glue.A straightedge.A craft knife.Ans catnip.(optional)Felt and old magazines.

Step 1.Gather large, corrugated cardboard boxes.Using a straightedge cut the boxes into 18- inch strip,three to five inches wide,with the corrugation running horizontally across the strip.The size of the scratch pad will depend on your cat.Bigger cats need bigger pads than kittens or small cats.

Step 2.Glue strips on top of each other until the pile is six inches deep.

Step 3.Weight the pile with a heavy object and set aside for 30 minutes.

Step 4.Trim uneven ends with a craft knife.Cut additional cardboard strips to glue to the outside edges of your pad.

Step 5.Use felt to provide a decorative finish for the edges or cut pictures of fish,birds, or mice from magazines and glue them to the outside.

Step 6.Sprinkle pad liberally with catnip to entice your cat to use it.

Did you know,Cats have a ridged nose pad that is as unique as the human fingerprint.

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How to Set a Feeding Schedule Infant Care_如何为宝宝制定合理的饮食计划

When a baby comes home from the hospital their feeding and sleeping schedules are completely erratic.They don't know their day from their night.As the baby comes home and the days pass,it's really good to institute some kind of logging mechanism so you can understand the rhythms of your baby.

This is a very simple to do and all it requires is a pen and a pencil.If you'd like more help you can certainly work with a professional to help you.I work with my clients and I give them a certain form that they fill out every day so they can log their baby.

What you want to do when getting them on a feeding schedule is to log everything they do.What time they start they feed.What time they end their feed.When they cry.How often they cry.When they sleep.How often they sleep.And if you're breast feeding which breast and for how long.

You want to jot this down so you can see the rhythm of the baby.The baby seems to go three hours and be okay between feeds.Or maybe the baby's going four hours and now at night the baby's going six hours.

The only way to put a baby on a schedule is to see how they're doing with that log and then establishing when to start that schedule.Most babies can come home from the hospital and really feed every three to four hours.Now,some breast fed babies can eat as much as every half hour but traditionally no less than two hours is fine for a feeding schedule and some babies can go as long as four.

Find one that's comfortable for your schedule and one that's comfortable for your baby and by writing it down you'll remember should something go off kilter with the schedule or should the baby get sick,you can take that log with you to the doctor and they can help you get back on the feeding schedule if needed.

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How to Introduce a Baby to Solid Food Infant Care_如何给新生儿喂养固体食物

Typically babies are introduced to solid food around the age of six months.This is because it is shown that there are less allergies present in children if they're exposed to food in solids at six months of age.

However,there are some parents that do introduce solids earlier than six months,around four months.And there are also babies that may have reflux which may require rice in their formula and this can be done as early as two weeks.Typically,it's around six months also because babies get teeth at that age and they can eat different types of textures and different types of food.

Traditionally,the thing that's usually introduced the most is rice cereal and that goes first.Typically,a doctor will ask for one to two tablespoons of rice cereal for one week to make sure the baby doesn't react.

I always tell all of my clients and I recommend to all parents that it's really important to log your baby during this time.The only way you'll know if they have a true food allergy is to see if they react to it.However,sometimes that reaction may not come until a day or two after.So if you have a log that says introduced bananas Tuesday and on Thursday they have a rash pretty much you know what's causing the problem.

So babies are usually introduced to cereals first,then vegetables second and usually fruits last because those are the sweetest.But really you can introduce as long as the baby is OK.you can introduce foods any way you want in any manner that's easiest to do.There are a whole host of already pureed baby foods or you can simply make baby food at home by taking something as simple as a banana and mashing it up with a little bit of breast milk and formula.It's really important in the beginning to make sure the texture is very smooth and very soft,because it's very new for a baby to have texture on their mouth.

Most times,the first feeding for a baby is a wonderful event.I know,I videotaped all three of my girls for the first time they ate solid food.Most of it ends up on their face on their clothes because most babies have a thrusting reaction with their tongue and they end up pushing more of the cereal out than they get in.

The object of introducing the cereal altogether is just to get them accustomed to texture and to eating in this new manner instead of taking food from a bottle.It's a wonderful experience for you and your baby but one that should be logged down because of the allergies that could be present with different foods.So please make sure you write down each food that you try and wait four to seven days before introducing another one.

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story behind the magical notebook_笔记狂人

Salted fish and flatbread,Soul street.Notebook madman.

If we do it, we have to be creative. We won’t copy from others.As a designer, we want to be free, especially for our first batch of notebooks.( Jun Yang the founder of Jiukoushan). At first, we didn't consider the market at all. If it loses money, the loss won’t be too big. Thus we could be more flexible, and people will pay more attention and recognize us more easily.
我们既然要做,真正有创意的一个本子出来,而不说人家怎么做,我们也怎么做。对于做设计的人来说,就希望能够随心所欲一些,尤其是我们一开始做的第一批本子。(杨军 九口山创始人)。就完全不管市场会不会接受,就算做亏掉,当时亏也亏不多大,也不至于伤筋动骨,会比较放地开去做。而越放得开去做,其实大家越能够关注到你,大家反而更容易认可你。

I think national collection series stand out more. Because our notebooks used to be all for writing, so I want to expand this concept. Therefore, we try to present the idea of “collection” through these series. Writing is actually one type of collection. We collect some information from life. For example, we also make some phone books, and we can also use this book as a photo album, which is a type of collection. In this way, we have been exploring its new meanings.

After using intelligence devices too much, it becomes rare for people to sit down and write quietly. Firstly, we will let people gain interest in notebooks, and inspire their urge to write. If someone haves a notebook as ugly as our manuals, he won’t have the urge to write anything. Then if you have such a nice notebook, you have to write important things onto it.

Because nowadays, it is really difficult for people to write, so things you write down have to be important. So it sets high standards for the notebooks. It is to say, this notebook has to have certain style and taste, which could include all my thoughts. We made these notebooks, and people happened to need them. It could carry their inner feelings, and it happens to be a notebook.

We were college classmates of the same class. We actually spent a lot of time together. Junior and senior year of the college, I got a part-time job and didn't have a cellphone back then. I couldn't send a wechat message like nowadays, saying “where I am, when I can come back” etc. After I came back, my first thing was to go to the specialty classroom. If she was not there, I would leave a message on her notebook, just like what’s written here.

It is me. When it was in 1999, it wrote, Zhiyuan didn’t come back. When I came to the classroom, there was nobody there. So I started writing my homework and waiting for her at the same time. When she came back and read my messages, she would write me back. So we used this way to communicate. So I feel each single word is here. This is our youth and it seems so meaningful after years.

We have been doing this for 8 yeas, since 2008. Now our reputation keeps growing, and people have an increasing expectation for Jiukoushan. If you slack or couldn’t meet the standard, fans or customers will get disappointed at you. They are pushing you forward all the time. If you treat them seriously, in return, it could be a pressure. But I think this is a process that all brands need to go through.

Jiukoushan is a brand of originality. It is one of the most important reasons why Jiukoushan could survive. If you only pirate other people’s stuff, you can only make to the second, and can never beat other people and gain wide recognition from people.

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