
“Quan Zhilong” of cross talk_相声界的权志龙

My name is Lu Xin, and I am Yu Hao. We are the cross talk actors from Xi’an. Rock and roll Qin cavity. They stand out among young actors. Congratulations to Lu Xin and Yu Hao to become the champion of the year. Congratulations!I have become very outgoing, since I turned 20 years old. I have many ways to make friends. I have friends who do rap or do street dance. I know many people. I like to stay all by myself, quietly. I can search the Peking Opera that I want to listen to. I can be like this the whole day. And I like it.
我叫卢鑫,我叫玉浩,我们俩是来自西安的相声演员,rock and roll 秦腔,在年轻一辈的相声演员里边,他们真是不错,恭喜卢鑫玉浩,成为我们的年度总冠军,恭喜他们.从我20岁开始就是自来熟,我有很多办法交朋友,玩说唱的我有朋友,跳街舞的我有朋友,我什么人都认识.我就愿意安安静静地一个人待着,能让我搜着我想听的京剧,我一人在这儿待一天,就挺好。

(Lu Xin, and Yu Hao)I got to know cross talk, because I used to be very introverted, not as crazy as I am right now. Back then, we only had a radio not a TV. After I came home and finished lunch during the day, I would listen to a crosstalk or storytelling show then took a cap. Then I would go back to school. Since then, I have grown my interest in cross talking. (What do you lack? Negative energy. You are talking about ghost stories.)
我跟相声结缘是因为,从小其实我性格不像现在,现在跟神经病一样,小时候其实我是一个很羞涩很内敛的一个男孩,因为那时候我们家的收音机,那会儿白天没有电视,回来以后吃完饭,听着这个评书 相声睡觉,睡一个午觉起来,下午去上学,后来打那(以后)就对相声感兴趣,(缺什么,阴气,你也说聊斋)。

I started learning cross talking since 2007, from a grandpa. He is good; and we saw him come, and would run to him, asking for suggestions. We said, would you listen to our cross talking performance and tell us how you feel? No, do that again. Come here, come here. And I moved closer, and he kicked me in the stomach.Then, we talk a lot. I say in the industry, we are divided into two groups, who got beat up or who didn't get beat up. Someone who got beat up, like us,  gets influenced by the authentic cross talking culture.
2007年的时候刚开始学艺,学相声,我们的一个爷爷,能耐是真大,我们一看,老头儿来了,那就赶紧过去,爷爷, 我们说一段您听听对不对,不对, 再来一遍,今天我 ,不对不对,过来过来过来,我往前一探身,一抬脚Duang,一脚就给我蹬出去了,就蹬肚子上.后来就老聊天,我说是这个行业里头,挨过打和没挨过打的,我们要分层了,我们比你们要高一级了,就是挨了脚踹,这一脚踹给自己烙下了深深的正统的血统。

In 2005, I participated in the reality show “my style, my show”. I got really discouraged after I got to Shanghai. It was really an embarrassing thing if you didn't know how to sing. Then I practiced singing and got into commercial performances. I was on the stage for 40 minutes, for 30 minutes, I was drinking.  The first 10 minutes, I was greeting the audience. How are you?  Thank you. Then start drinking, once the light is on, you have to drink. You have to be interactive with people. Sometimes, I really can’t drink any more. I have to practice talking. Now I still talk all the time, and couldn't quit the habit.
我是2005年参加了选秀《我型我秀》,来到上海以后, 备受打击,我觉得不会唱歌是挺丢人的,就练唱歌, 那你就得出去走商演,上台演了40分钟,我基本上30分钟都是在喝酒,就前10分钟刚上台打一个招呼,朋友们你们好吗, Thank you ,喝酒,灯一开, 就这样,就是灯一开就来了,喝吧,没办法, 你就得跟人互动,实在是喝不动了,天天喝,那时候练得就是 爱说,一天叨叨叨, 没完没了,也停不下来 也折腾,这个毛病一直到现在都没有改掉。

It tastes better with the bread. Hey, why you are so annoying? It is called distracting the attention. Our relationship is very complicated. Hey, keep talking, don't pause it there. His teacher is my godfather and my teacher is his godfather. My dad is his godfather, and his dad is my godfather. At first, we just did performance together sometimes, and weren’t real partners. Only after Funny World, we became real partners. We had no idea how we became the champion. Now our main focus is in Shanghai.
拿着它蘸馒头好吃,嗯,嘿,你怎么那么欠儿呢,这叫声东击西,我们俩关系啊, 太乱.你先把话说清楚 你别停顿到这,停顿到这儿 后边儿就不好说了,他师父是我干爹 我师父是他干爹,我爸爸是我干爹 我爸爸是他干爹,刚好跟他偶尔搭一下,其实也没有形成搭档,就是来《笑傲江湖》,我们才搭到一起,《笑傲江湖》,然后怎么就折折腾腾 就冠军了,没想到,然后现在工作生活基本上重心都放在上海。

It feels good. We love each other and torture each other. Our responsibilities are very clear, main role or supporting role. Modern, traditional, open, close. We all have a dream when we were kids. When people say if you don't study hard, what would you do when you grow up? I would say do cross talking. Bullshit. When you have a teacher, and formally learn cross talking, then you think you are someone. Not really. Only when you make your bragging of old times real, then you make it.
我俩感觉挺好, 相爱着呢 ,一直爱着,相爱相杀嘛,就是我们两个人呢, 分工是很明确的,逗哏 捧哏,现代, 传统,开放, 保守,其实我们小时候都有这种心愿,小时候我 就是,不好好学习你干吗去, 长大以后干吗去,我说我说相声去,能说个屁,当你拜了师傅,然后你正儿八经地有个师门了,你就感觉我太厉害了,人生中你长大以后能圆了你小时候吹的牛逼,那就是最厉害的。

Thank you, everyone for your applause, even you don't know us. You are so passionate. We are on TV now. One philosopher said if someone got on TV, then he is a star. We are stars. I… who said it? Say it clearly. I said it myself. It doesn't mean anything if you said it. We are noting, and someone say, we are floated. We didn't. Our goal is doing what we are doing. Stay away from the trouble. Our teachers gave us a way of living, and we should do it well. I can’t think of anything else. Let us do some brain work. 2016 World Dart Championship, let’s invite Japanese player, Yuhaozhier.
感谢大家,不认识我们就给我们鼓掌,太热情了,我们上电视了,一位哲人曾经说过,曾经说过,一个人上了电视,他就是明星,我们就是明星 我,鼓掌呢这,谁 谁说的,我自己说的,说清楚点,我自己说的,你自己说的有什么用,我们也没有什么 别人一说,看 太膨胀了,我们没处膨胀去,我们的目标就是把这行干好了,别扯那么多恩怨是非,祖师爷赏饭吃,这饭咱得好好吃,哎呀想不出来了,让我们进行一些脑力劳动吧,2016年 2016年世界镖王锦标赛,首先有请日本选手,玉浩置二。

You are someone between 1 and 3, A and C. One type of pencil presents you. You are not that smart, my brother. We always fight, pretending we are enemies. My brother, when I turn around, you are always there for me. My brother, life is too short to fight. My brother, nobody can bully you but me. Happy things might not always happen right after each other, but let’s be happy together.
在1和3之间的那个就是你,在A和C之间的那个也是你,有一种铅笔的型号就代表你,那大智若愚的人却不是你,我的好兄弟, 争来吵去, 假装与我为敌,我的好兄弟, 蓦然回首, 偏偏又遇见你,我的好兄弟, 人生苦短 ,相煎何太急,我的好兄弟, 除了我不让别人欺负你,福无双至,乐不单行。

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