
How to Do a Side Lunge to Curtsy Thighs Workout_如何从侧弓步到屈膝弓步

00:00:04 -00:00:08
Hey, I'm Layla and this is how you do a side lunge to a curtsy lunge.

00:00:09 -00:00:33
那么,首先,你要从侧弓步开始,做侧弓步时,你的一只腿要完全伸直,另一只腿弯曲,向一侧跨出,在一只腿的支撑下,身体向下形成弓步,确保膝盖和脚踝平齐,把臀部完全向后倾。然后, 在你起来的时候,另一只腿发力,然后把刚刚做弓步的腿,放到你的后方形成屈膝弓步。
So, to start, you're going to start off with a side lunge.Your side lunge, you're going to have one leg completely straight.The other leg is going to bend.You're going to step out to the side.You're going to step out to the side.Making sure your knees align with your ankle.you shoot your hips all the way back,Then, as you come up,you're going to press through your opposite leg,and bring that foot that you just did the lunge with,all the way back behind you for a curtsy lunge.

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So, again, I'll demonstrate,Take it all the way out to the side.Make sure you shoot those hips back,and then you're going to drive through the other leg,and go right into a curtsy lunge straight down.So, this move targets both legs here, both thighs.You're going to feel this in your quads,your inner thighs, the gluts, the hamstrings, the entire thigh area here.

00:00:54 -00:01:14
So, one more time,you're going to bring it all the way out to the side.Shoot those hips back and nice and deep on this side.whichever side is doing the lunge.Then you're going to take that foot all the way back behind you.Sit straight down in your curtsy lunge.So, again, making sure you press the weight back in the heel.The knees in align with the ankle.sit straight down in it and then take it back up.

00:01:14 -00:01:24
I recommend doing about 10 to 12 on each side.This is a great exercise to target the entire thigh area.That's how you do the side lunge and the curtsy lunge.

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