
How to Remove a Bra_如何摘文胸

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How to Remove a Bra.
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Removing a bra is important for girls to learn at a young age,but even more important for guys to learn.Either way, it's a rite of passage -here's how to do it.You will need Woman wearing a shirt and a bra and approved access.

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步骤1 脱下衬衫以更容易接触胸罩,在继续之前请确保你征得她的同意.
Step 1. Remove the shirt for easier access to the bra.Make sure you have her consent before proceeding.

步骤2 从前面环抱她的身体,使你的手定位在胸罩背面的扣子上,如果背面没有钩子,胸罩则在前面扣紧,位于双乳之间的位置.
Step 2. Reach around her body from the front,so that your hand is positioned at the clasp in the back of the bra.If there's no clasp in the back,the bra closes in front, between the breasts.
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步骤3 将中指放在胸带和背部之间
Step 3. Position your middle finger between the bra strap's clasp and her back.
步骤4 将你的拇指放在扣子的厚的部分,中指放在胸带靠近钩子的一侧.
Step 4. Place your thumb on the thick part of the clasp,and your pointer finger on the side of the strap near where the hooks are.
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步骤5 同时挤压中指和拇指以松开钩子,然后将你的手指一起移动,仿佛你在摩擦或移动它们.
Step 5. Squeeze your pointer finger and your thumb together to release the hooks;then move your fingers together,as if you were rubbing them or snapping.
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步骤6 一旦解开扣子,从胸前取下胸罩,慢慢来,以免她的手臂或头发被胸罩夹住.
Step 6. Remove the bra from the front of her body once the clasp has been unhooked.Take your time so as not to get her arms or hair caught in the bra.
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你知道吗,第一个获得专利的胸罩, 由玛丽·菲尔普斯雅各布在1913年研发.
Did you know,The first brassiere to receive a patent,as developed by Mary Phelps Jacob in 1913.

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