
The best lamb is made of love_岁月相守,才能煮出最鲜美的羊汤

We opened up this chevon shop after we got married. You be careful. OK. When we opened up the shop, my husband was 63, and I was 53. Until now, he still cooks the chevon pudding, and I make meat rolls. One red, one white. I like red. He likes white.
Gu Genmei, 75  Zou Shouquan, 85,
这家羊肉店,是我和老头子结婚后开的,你慢点,我晓得了,开店时, 老头子63岁,我53岁,我到现在,他做羊糕,我做扎肉,一红一白,我喜欢红,他喜欢白,顾根妹 75岁,邹寿泉 85岁.

Love combined by red and white chevon.Goat trading market, 4:30 am.The goat hair is smooth, and doesn't have spots. The meat can make good soup. Meat rolls are made from the best part of a goat, ribs. With the skin, it weighs 3 liang. The straw smells fresh. Add ginger, fennel, chili pepper, and cinnamon. Coal balls’ fire tends to be mild, and it is not like gas. The straw, wrapped outside, tries to concentrate the fire. Add crystal candy at the end, then braise it for 2 hours. Two hours later, braise the marinade, then braise the meat roll. The best part is for the meat roll, and the rest of it goes to the chevon pudding. The smell is awesome. I smell it every day and keep me from catching a cold.
红白羊肉情缘.这山羊, 毛顺滑, 没有斑点,这样的羊烧出来汤水好,扎肉是羊身上最好的部位,肋排,好 带皮三两重,稻草有一股清香的味道,这个老姜 茴香 辣椒 桂皮,煤球的火文气 不像煤气,(外面)加一个箍是让它的火力集中,最后加入冰糖 炖2小时,2小时后,烧卤汁,红烧扎肉,最好的肉做扎肉,其他的部分全部做羊糕,闻闻味道香得了,我天天闻的,不感冒的.

Get rid of the bones. My husband is very good at making the chevon pudding. Lay thicker than 6 centimeter of big meat, and put tiny meat chucks on the top. Cream soup is the stew of pig skin chucks, braise the chevon stew with the pig skin stew for 3 hours. I am very short tempered, but my husband is very patient. He can watch the stew for the whole night. He braises the chevon every day to make the pudding. Then pour the stew to test the thickness of soup. Some people think once the soup turned yellow, then it is done, but it is not the case. When you poor the stew, it supposedly forms into a stream, then lasts a while. It will be done tomorrow. It will naturally freeze up after 12 hours. Here comes the meat roll. Let’s start to eat. Actually we drove two hours all the way from Zhejiang Province today. I haven’t eaten chevon as delicious as this. It is passing down generations. We came here again, but no seats are available.
去骨,我老头子是做羊糕能手,大肉总归要铺6公分以上,铺肉,在铺点小肉在上面,膏汤是用(猪)肉皮切小了炖,炖3个小时,用羊汤加入肉皮炖膏汤3小时,我性子急,老头子耐心好得不得了,炖羊糕炖一晚上都可以坚守,每天炖羊肉,做羊糕,要舀起来, 是不是一条线(稠度),一般人看看 看不懂的,以为汤黄了就好了,但其实汤黄没用的,最好的膏汤 一条线,一定要舀起来的时候,一条线要时间长,到明天 开开来,好得不得了,12小时自然冻结,扎肉来啦,快点吃,实际我们今天是从浙江赶过来的,开了两个多小时的车,我从来没有一顿吃过这么多羊肉,一代一代传下来的,今天我们又过来来了,但是没有位置.

(Chevon pudding)The history of goat meat can date back to 1000 years ago. 80% of people from our village runs goat shops all over the country. Some owners of these shops come here to eat too.I would save some for ourselves. Sometimes, I would eat more than half pound at once. I have been eaten it since I was little. It has been almost 30 years. How old are you? That is the secret.
(白切羊糕)藏书羊肉历史上讲起来要1000多年了,在我们村80%的人在(全国各地)开羊肉店,(其他羊肉店老板)开到(一季)结束,总归回到我们这里吃.留点给我们,最多的时候一口气我吃半斤以上,从小吃到现在 也吃了快30年,你今年贵庚,这个就是秘密了.

He enjoys life now. I can take care of him. His wife passed away, so did my husband. So we got together.Now he is 85, and I am 75.  We were in Japan, this one was in Taiwan. You better stay young, so we can go travel around the country. This bone is too good to throw away. We are so happy together.
他基本上享福了,我真的照顾他的,当时他老太过世了,我么老头也过世了,那么, 我们走在一起,就走在一起的,现在他85岁 我75岁,这张是在日本,这张是在台湾,老头子 最好你年纪轻点,我们全国各地都可以去玩遍了.这根骨头好得不得了,不舍得丢掉的哦,走在一起到现在 一直开心,一直开心.

It is really life, if you spend it together.

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