
How to Boost Your Sex Appeal_如何提升你的异性吸引力

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How to Boost Your Sex Appeal.

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态度和生活方式的轻微改变, 将让人们被你新的性吸引力所吸引, 你需要自信、健康饮食、休息、锻炼、红衣服, 口红或配饰、约会计划以及积极的态度,也可选择高跟鞋。
A slight altering of attitude and lifestyle will draw people to your new sex appeal. You will need Confidence Healthy diet. Rest Exercise Red clothes, lipstick or accessories. Dating plan and a positive attitude and high-heels (optional).

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步骤1 相信你自己的性吸引力,每天告诉自己你应该得到最好的。
Step 1. Believe in your own sex appeal. Tell yourself daily that you deserve the best.

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步骤2 通过健康饮食来照顾自己,获得充足的休息和锻炼,性吸引力来自健康的身体外表。
Step 2. Take care of yourself by eating healthy, getting plenty of rest, and exercising. Sex appeal emanates from a healthy physical appearance.

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步骤3. 穿红色衣服,研究表明,红颜色让人看起来更性感,女性发现穿着红色的男性较性感,可能与红色象征雄性灵长目的优势有关。
Step 3. Wear red. Studies show that the color red invokes sexier feelings. Women finding the color red sexy on men, may be related to red symbolizing dominance in male primates.

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步骤4 显示你的臀部,所有其他灵长类动物,通过它们的屁股发送和接收性信号,高跟鞋有助于显耀性感的屁股。
Step 4. Show off your bottom. All other primates send and receive sexual signals through their behinds. High-heels help show off a sexy butt.

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步骤5 做让你快乐的事情,幸福显示在脸上,能减少皱纹并增加了性吸引力。
Step 5. Do things that make you happy. Happiness shows on faces, minimizes wrinkles, and adds to sex appeal.

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步骤6 制定约会计划,一旦你开展这个过程,并开始吸引人就会产生更多的性吸引力。
Step 6. Develop a plan for dating. Once you begin this process and start attracting people, more sex appeal will develop.

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步骤7 保持积极的态度,只和积极的人交往,积极的力量吸引其他正能量,这些都可以增加性吸引力。
Step 7. Maintain a positive attitude, and only engage with people who are positive. Positive forces attract other positive forces ,all adding to that sex appeal.

00:01:40 - 00:01:45
Did you know. The humpback whale often spends several hours indulging in foreplay before mating.

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