
how to do the squat_如何做深蹲运动

00:00:04 -00:00:07
嘿 我是蕾拉 接下来我将向大家展示如何做深蹲
Hey, I'm Layla, and I'm going to show you how to do the squat

00:00:07- 00:00:27
做深蹲时, 你应该双腿打开站立, 稍比肩宽,把身体的重量主要集中在两脚跟,在下蹲时,要注意膝盖和脚踝对齐,臀部后倾, 向下深蹲,然后脚跟发力,往回站起.
So for the squat, you're going to stand with your feet a little bit wider than shoulder width apart.You're going to keep most of the weight in the heels.So as you squat down you're going to make sure that your knees are aligned with your ankles.
You're going to push your hips all the way back and squat straight down.Digging through your heels, you're going to stand right backup.

00:00:28- 00:00:40
就是这样一个非常简单, 基础的动作,向下深蹲, 然后往回站起,这个运动可以很好锻炼到肱四头肌部分,大腿前部, 大腿后部, 脚筋以及臀部肌肉.
So very simple, basic move,Squatting straight down and then up.So this exercise is really great for your quad area.the front of the leg here, the back of the legs, the ham strings, and the gluts.

I'll show you from a different angle here.You're going to bring your feet shoulder width apart.a little bit wider than shoulder width apart, toes pointing forward.You shoot those hips all the way back,Get nice and deep in your squat here,and then dig through the heels to stand up.So just taking it down and up.
00:01:01- 00:01:11
You can do10 to 12 reps in your leg exercise routine,You can do these fast or you can do them slow.And that's how you do a squat.

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