
A journey of cartoon in Dunhuang_为创作他直接住到敦煌

During Zhenguan Years of Tang Dynasty, 28-year old Xuanzang started from Changan, and headed to the west, and then reached the Jade Gate Pass, and came to Moheyanqi.No birds, no grass, he is all alone, with an old horse, for 800 miles at Moheyanqi. His water got spilled, and he rather died on the way to the West, and refused to head back.Even in that kind of situation, he still kept going west, got out of the desert and arrived in Dunhuang. This kept the original image of Xuanzang’s journey.

(Journey to the West, Dunhuang)(Tang Bohua/Cartoon director),People who involve in the art production must get close to Dunhuang. Only when you get close to it, you can create with real feelings and thus get exactly what we want. In other words, present the beauty of Dunhuang, to the fullest.It was still cold during the March this year. Our team stayed at the foot of Mingsha Mountain, for the production.
(西遇记 敦煌) (汤柏华|动画导演)我们所有的参与创作的人,必须贴近到敦煌的这个原点,这个艺术中心的核心的这个地方,接近它,带着这种最真切的感受再来做创作,这样我觉得是能做出我们想要的一个效果,或者说能够比较好地表现到敦煌核心的美.今年的三月份,当时敦煌还特别冷,我们在这个时候团队就在,敦煌鸣沙山的那个山脚下驻地下来,还是为了就是从创作本身出发.

On the aspect of this ancient art presentation, nobody still applies the ancient methods to paint murals. It is really difficult.At first, we did some research based on the literature on Dunhuang. We have done a lot of tests and investigations. There is a river flowing through Mogao Grottoes, called Daquan River. We dig out blocks of special fine mud, which is called Slab soil by the locals. We used it as the base for the wall, and added straws eaten by the camels, cotton, and other fibers to it. After the wall got stiff, using the method of 30% of sands, 60% of soil and then 10% of dust, finally we got the wall that could be used for murals.

I was especially excited at the moment when I decided to finish the film with clay plates.The work we finished in Dunhuang is called Mogao sunglow, which tells a story of Xuanzang’s journey to the West, heading to India. Modern people don't know how Xuanzang is really like. He was a special figure with a firm and indomitable spirit, and rather sacrificed himself to pursue dreams. I think he was a great example for us to follow.

I want to turn it into a documentary, stationary art project, try to restore a real situation as much as possible, especially through this art techniques, and present the character to show the audience today.(See the glow, Exhibition at Shanghai Museum of Contemporary Art)For example, the wall I am painting on right now, is made of mud from Dunhuang, Slab soil. Mix it with water, and it looks like the color of the ancient ochre, the color of nature, a sense of Dunhuang, a smell of mud.
我会特别想把它变成一个实时的,一个驻地的艺术创作项目,尽可能地还原到真实的一个情况,特别是通过敦煌的这种艺术手法,把这种品格展现给今天的观众,(见霞光 上海当代艺术博物馆展览现场)比如我现在在画的这个墙面,是用敦煌的泥巴,澄板土,调成的一个我觉得类似于泥巴水这样的一个状态,来完成很多的墙面绘画,看上去它特别像我们古代的就是赭石的那种颜色,它其实就是自然的颜色,属于有敦煌气息的,有一种微微的一种泥巴的清香.

I think, to Dunhuang itself, it is a huge treasure; but for such a treasure, time is the biggest enemy. The color will slowly go off, and there will be some mural diseases over the time; some of the things are irreversible. To us, it is our responsibility.Through research and art recreation, we try to represent the core elements of Dunhuang to a wider group of people, especially our children. I think it is what we can do to promote Dunhuang culture. I think the work is very meaningful. I saw you in the light of history.  

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