
Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge first look_三星Galaxy S7 和 S7 Edge 一览

我是来自The Verge 的丹,现在在我眼前的是三星新推出的Galaxy S7 与 S7 Edge。这些都是三星今年推出的旗舰手机,它们的外形跟上一年发布的S6与 S6 Edge都十分相似, 但其实区别还是挺大的。
This is Dan from The Verge and I'm taking a look at the new Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge from Samsung.These are Samsung's flagship phones for this year and they're very similar in looks and feel to last year's S6 and S6 Edge but there are some key differences.

三星为这次新推出的产品作出了很多的改进。其中一个 S7的显示屏为5.1英寸,这跟上年的S6是一样大的,但是S7的背面是呈弧形的,所以拿起来会更有手感, 跟Note5的设计有点像。但是变化较大的是S7 Edge,5.5英寸的显示屏,它还有双弧形显示屏,手机背面稍稍弯曲,这样不仅更有手感,而且更容易从桌子上拿起来。
That Samsung's really improved on the number of ways.For one, the S7 is a 5.1 inch display,so that's same size as last year but the back has been curved,so it's a little bit more comfortable to hold, very similar to the Note 5's design there.But the bigger change is with the S7 Edge.It's now a 5.5 inch screen.It still has that dual curved edge display but the back has a slight curve to it as well to get it more comfortable to hold and easier to pick up off a table.

虽然屏幕变大了但尺寸还是比较紧凑,正如你所见,它还是一个比较小的手机,比5.1英寸的S7大不了多少, 跟其它5.5英寸的像iPhone 6 plus的手机相比,它算是比较小的了,而且更易于单手操作手机以及便于携带,还能为你提供大屏演示的享受。显示屏采用了三星的AMOLED屏幕技术,以及QHD的分辨率。
The bigger screen is still in a compact size.As you can see,it's a pretty small phone,it's not much bigger than the 5.1 inch S7.It's significantly smaller than other phones with 5.5 screens like the iPhone 6 Plus and it makes it a lot easier to use in one hand to slip in and out of your pocket,and yet still gives you a really big display.The display itself is obviously Samsung AMOLED technology.It's got a QHD resolution.

你可以看它背面这里,摄像镜头被修整了很多,不像以前那样会凸出来很多, 这款手机的内置镜头为1200万像素。这是一个新的传感器,三星在发布会上说,自动对焦系统和低光捕获功能已经被大大地改善,升级后的低光功能可以让镜头更亮、像素更大。
You can see here on the back,the camera that has been trimmed down a lot so it doesn't stick out as much as it used to.It's a 12 megapixel camera this year,so it's a new sensor and Samsung says that the autofocus system has been greatly improved as well as low light capture.So a brighter lens, a larger pixel for better low light capabilities.

And then a lot of the other details are very similar to last year's phones.However the big change here is obviously you can now put a MicroSD card slot in,and these new phones are now also water resistant up to 1 meters for 30 minutes.So those are big changes from last year's phone.

至于手机内部,美国境内的三星手机使用的是高通骁龙820处理器,而其他地方则是用三星自己的XMS处理器,高通骁龙820是一个非常高端的处理器,这款手机的运行系统都非常快,它用的安卓6.0 Marshmallow系统,上面配置的是三星 touch wiz 屏幕,当然它还支持三星支付,快速充电无线快速充电以及其它所有能在三星设备上使用的功能。
Inside,the devices that we sold here in the US will be running Qualcomm Snapdragon 820,whereas Samsung uses it's own XMS processor elsewhere.It's obviously very high end fast processor.Everything here is going to run really fast and quick.It's running Android 6.0 Marshmallow.It's got Samsung touch wiz screen on top of it.Of course, it supports Samsung pay quick charge or fast-charging wireless fast-charging all of those features that have become kind of standard on Samsung devices.

S7 Edge被更新的其中一项就是这个新的Edge平板,它的屏幕变大了,这样你就能看得更详细,得到更多的信息。你可以添加更多应用的快捷方式,你可以给不同的程序组件添加直接快捷方式,例如自拍,还可以由用户定制。
The one thing that's been updated for the S7 Edge is the new Edge panel here.It's larger,you can see more detail,you can get more information,you can add more shortcuts to apps,you can add direct shortcuts for various activities,like taking a selfie,there's a bit more customization there as well.

One other feature that Samsung's added is a new always-on display,so you can see the time and date and you can set a picture or clock or notifications here,that will always be accessible on this screen.So it's not a wake up or anything like that,it's just always-on screen.

三星说,S7和S7 Edge将会销售于美国各大商铺,推出市面的时间定为3月11日,价格应该跟去年的差不多,以上是三星Galaxy S7 与 S7 Edge的全部内容,欲知更多,订阅优酷频道。
Samsung says that,the S7 and S7 Edge will be available on all carriers here in the US and you can expect them to hit stores on March 11 and price range would be roughly about the same last year's.That's it for the Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge.For more, be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

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