
How to change the diaper_如何给宝宝更换尿不湿

00:00:04- 00:00:17
so after you've wiped everything then you apply the cream,and again somefamilies they watch it,what do we need the cream for,the baby doesn't have arash,but the cream as a preventative measure,it prevents a diaper rash。
00:00:17- 00:00:36
andthere's many different types of creams,there's a protective appointment hatyou can use andyou would either use with your fingers or a stick o keep itas sanitary as possible.now this cream is a preventive measure it seals the area,so that when the babydoes go to the bathroom,it doesn't burn the skin.

00:00:37- 00:01:04
but an ointment like this wouldn't treat diaper rash,if you have a diaper rash,you would need something with the zinc in it,which is similar to these products those white creams,or what you use when the babydoes have a rash in.an ointment is what you would use as a preventative measure,so again you don't want to be stingy with the cream or as much as you can everywhere you can from high up on a baby all the way up to their back.

00:01:04- 00:01:36
because when they go to the bathroom it gets everywhere,then you have the diaper that's dirty away,in since everything is very close reach,you have the new diaper that you've lifted the baby's leg,you put down that the new clean diaper,we're using a very big diaper,because we want to highlight throw to change this efficiently,if the baby does have their envelop scored,you need to fold the diaper down,so that it doesn't irritate that area.

00:01:37- 00:02:11
then you want to pull the tape as such and make sure it's very very fitted around this area of the baby.And I know this is a bigger type before the baby,but this is the area that you really want to make sure is very gripped and very secure.Because when babies have accident and it gets all over your clothes, they're not very happy, I'm so you want to have the baby as tight as possible,you want to do all of this and as quick time as possible,but you really want to make sure that the baby is clean,andcomfortable for the next Piper change.

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