
Country singers can also have their dignity_乡村歌手也有她们的尊严

Normally, we come across Song and Dance Troupes at the temple celebrations or folk countryside weddings in Taiwan.The performance includes the general singing, dancing, and pole dancing. These performers, in fact, are not represented in a positive way in the media. But I think we should have a different understanding and way of thinking about it. I present her in a classic and solemn way, using black and white style.

The project “Taiwan Arts” has started since 2005.(Zhaoliang Shen, photographer).It is divided into three different series, "Stage" (stage car)," Singers & Stages" (singer and stage car) and the "Taiwan Arts".
“台湾综艺团”这个项目是从2005年开始(沈昭良,摄影师),分成了三个不同的系列,然后《Stage》(舞台车)跟《Singers & Stages》(歌手和舞台车)跟《台湾综艺团》。

Of course, It is connected with Taiwan's entertainment industry and entertainment activities. I have seen them at a few of funerals. And later, it gradually expanded to the election activities, where you can also see stage cars. Stage cars have reached various aspects of Taiwan’s folk life.If we want to sing karaoke, then we can collect money and bring in the stage car. It can set up in our yard. We can eat barbeque and sing at the same time.

When we were doing stage, we normally used scenery images without people, especially in the evening.Stage cars are relatively beautiful at night. We call the time right before darkness, “The magic moment”.It is about 10 minutes. In the early days, the design of the stage cars tended to be plain, very simple patterns, shapes and lines, etc.

Then it started using specific images, such as fairies, space shuttles, Ferris wheels,the White House, and Taiwan's 101 building etc.In Taipei, the temples are mostly located in small alleys, so the stage cars are normally small and medium-sized cars. But if we go to the countryside, the squares in front of most temples are vast and open. We can set up very large stage cars there.

The second series “singers and stages” make people's statutes come out so solemnly.These performers, sometimes, study on their own, or take classes to master certain performance skills. This is their life and career. Everyone has their own faith or choices that they have to face, but you can always see them stand bravely there.
第二个系列的《Singers & Stages》的时候,就是歌手与舞台车的这个时候,我们让人的肖像庄严地出来这样,这些表演者,她们有时候自学,有时候参加训练班的课程,都各自专精某一项表演,那是她们的人生,跟她们的职业,每个人都有她不得不面对的命运或选择,但是你总是看到她们相对很勇敢地站在那里。

When I was doing the farmland research in the past, I estimated there were around 600-800 active vehicles on duty across Taiwan.Specifically, I have been to almost 200 places.Especially in the evening, in the search of stage cars, you probably only know which county or which country.

I am interested in activities and lifestyles in civil society. It may be because of my past journalist job. If you work away from home for a long time, you have to feel happy or lucky.

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