
SIGNAL ETT 纸吉他创造传奇_ 中英双语视频翻译字幕样本

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NTP: 戴夫.李:我们来到厄内斯特包装中心\NDave Lee: Here we are back at Ernest Packaging
NTP: 迎来了我最喜爱的时刻 \N那就是开始一个新的挑战\Nwith one of my favorite moments presenting a new challenge.
NTP: 我们在这里迎来先锋吉他 芬达\NStratocaster  Here we have the iconic guitar, the Fender Stratocaster.
NTP: 这个吉他是纸做的\NWe'll going to make it out of paper.
NTP: 我们要与工作人员们见面啦\NWe've got to get with the guys.
NTP: 还有很多工作要做 我们开始吧\NWe've got a lot of work ahead of us. Let's get it done.
NTP: 戴夫.李:这里是纸板动乱\NDave Lee: This is cardboard chaos
NTP: 厄内斯特包装与Signal合作 超越极限\Nwhere Ernest packaging and Signals come together to put some limits
NTP: 看看纸张的终极潜力在哪里\Nto see how far paper can go.
NTP: 厄内斯特纸板动乱系列\NErnest Cardboard Chaos Series
NTP: 戴夫.李:在琴颈这里 最大的问题就是琴弦\NDave Lee: Well the biggest challenge on this neck is with the strings.
NTP: 琴颈大概有约250磅的扭矩\NIt has about 250 pounds of torque on the neck.
NTP: 木头很适合制作吉他\NWood works well for guitars.
NTP: 向来如此 但要用纸做 我们要付出努力\NIt always has but paper, we got a job.
NTP: 迈克.玛尔缇尼斯:我们试着复制木料的制作\NMike Martinez: We'll try to duplicate what they're getting with the lumber
NTP: 但我们是用波纹纸板\Nbut in our corrugated..
NTP: 芬达显然已经具有了一些美妙的旋律技能\NFender obviously has some beautiful melody capability.
NTP: 给他们一个如岩石般坚硬的内核\NGive them a rock solid core
NTP: 他们也就能在此基础上完成吉他的形状制作\Nthat they could work with to go ahead and shape a guitar themselves.
NTP: 戴夫.李:这太不可思议了 看起来不错嘛\NDave Lee: Wow, that is crazy. That looks good.
NTP: 这就是这把吉他的美妙之处\NAnd that's going to be the beautiful part about this guitar
NTP: 那就是 我们的视线可以穿透这些凹槽\Nis just being able to see through those flutes.
NTP: 从过去的厄内斯特包装到今天的芬达定制店\NFrom Ernest packaging yesterday to Fender custom shop today.
NTP: 我们把模型放在这里\NThis is where we take our blocks
NTP: 然后完成吉他的制作\Nand the guitar starts to take shape.
NTP: 保罗.沃勒尔:难点在于 如何使这种材料\NPaul Waller: The challenge is going to be how to get this material
NTP: 显然脆弱的材料\Nthat is obviously is kind of weak,
NTP: 变得强大到能支撑所有的琴弦呢\Nto get strong to hold out all those strings.
NTP: 通常来说 切割琴体\NAnd normally when they're cutting up a body,
NTP: Stratocaster是用工厂里的数控机床完成的\Nthe Stratocaster, is with their CNC machines back there in the factory.
NTP: 保罗即将进行手工切割\NPaul is going to handcut this out.
NTP: 我们将使用50式切割方法\NWe're going to go with this 50 style cutaway.
NTP: 看到它成型 简直太令人兴奋了\NOh man, this is so exciting to just watching it to shape up
NTP: 一点一点地 它越来越像吉他了\Nand little by little, it's more like a guitar.
NTP: 有点紧张 不知道弹起来如何啊\NKind of nervous about how it's going to sound
NTP: 它能完美结合 且性能极佳\Nand it's going to hold together and everything
NTP: 但是还有很多酷炫的东西\Nbut we got some really cool stuff coming on
NTP: 它穿上了外衣 而且你还能看到它的琴颈\Nwhere the layers are coming through and you see the ribs.
NTP: 成功了 我们用纸板做出了吉他\NSo we did it. We made a guitar out of cardboard
NTP: 我对结果非常满意\Nand I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out.
NTP: 我要再微调几处\NI'm going to make a few more tweaks
NTP: 然后送到艺术家们手里\Nso then put them in some hands of some artist
NTP: 看看它的现场演奏能力\Nand see how it plays live.
NTP: 肖恩.塞勒斯:漂亮 这是…?\NSean Silas: Beautiful. Is that---?
NTP: 是纸板做的\NCardboard.
NTP: 纸板吗 我能拿一下吗\NSean Silas: Cardboard? Can I hold it?
NTP: 我更愿意让你弹\NI want you to play it.
NTP: 肖恩.塞勒斯:你想让我弹这把吉他?\NSean Silas: You want me to play it?
NTP: 哇塞 你是怎么做到的\NWow. How did you do that?
NTP: 肖恩.塞勒斯:我觉得很棒\NSean Silas: It feels good to me.
NTP: 简直难以置信\NI'm just blown away.
NTP: 迈克.乔和根:这是斯特拉特型吉他\NMike Goeghegan: it's a Strat.
NTP: 听声音就是斯特拉特\NSounds like a Strat.
NTP: 丹尼斯.加鲁斯兹卡:它能弹响就已经很了不起了\NDennis Galuszka: The fact that it plays at all is kind of remarkable,
NTP: 实话告诉你 这是纸板做的啊\Nhonestly. It's cardboard.
NTP: 尼克.萨寇恩:这太棒了\NNick Saccone: This is great.
NTP: 我这把吉他是纸做的\NI have a guitar made out of paper.
NTP: 多亏了保罗.沃勒尔 芬达的制造大师啊\NThanks to Paul Waller, Master builder at Fender.
NTP: 这简直惊人 很漂亮 声音也非常棒\NThis thing is amazing, it's beautiful. It sounds incredible.
NTP: 是芬达制作出来的\NThose guys at Fender shredded it.
NTP: 马克要把这把吉他送给他的朋友切斯特\NMark's going to give this to his friend Chester,
NTP: 他们会练习练习 然后给我们反馈\Nthey're going to take it up to little practice and give us their feedback.
NTP: 太炫了\NStoked.
NTP: 切斯特.班宁顿:我必须给你看看\NChester Bennington: I have to show you
NTP: 我认为这是有史以来最酷的吉他\Nwhat I believe to be the coolest guitar that's ever been made.
NTP: 简直就是史上最酷炫\NIt is the sickest piece of anything that's ever been made.
NTP: 布莱德.德尔逊:兄弟 我不太敢弹啊\NBrad Delson: Dude I'm afraid I'm going to---
NTP: 切斯特:没关系 接过去吧\NChester: No, touch it bro.
NTP: 你肯定能用它弹出最酷的音乐\Nyou're going to rock the shit out of this thing.
NTP: 切斯特:我认为 人们可能理解不了\NChester: I don't think people will understand
NTP: 用纸做吉他 这个概念说出来就很疯狂啊\Nhow insane that concept of tuning a paper neck on the guitars.
NTP: 布莱德.德尔逊:这把吉他很酷\NBrad Delson: This guitar looks so cool
NTP: 我不敢相信它居然是纸板做的\Nand I can't believe it's made out of cardboard.
NTP: 我在舞台上用这把琴表演\NI played this guitar on stage
NTP: 它与我以前用的琴的相似程度\Nand the similarity in terms of just even the look of it to what I'm used
NTP: 简直太令人不可思议了 \N他们在定制商店居然能做这样的东西\Nis amazing what they've been able to do at custom shop,
NTP: 谢谢你带来这把琴 这想法太棒了\Nso, thanks for brining it by today. Super fine plan.
NTP: 手感怎么样\NHow's it feel in the hands?
NTP: 布莱德.德尔逊:这是与众不同的\NBrad Delson: It was one of a kind.
NTP: 我有鉴定证书来证明它的独特之处\NAnd I have the certificate of authenticity to back that up.
NTP: 我们所用的材料\NOut of all the things we've made out of,
NTP: 全是纸和纸板\Npaper and cardboard
NTP: 这把吉他 既有型有实用\Nthis one, so much style and it's so usable
NTP: 你能真正的演奏它 它会永存的\Nthat you can actually play it, it's going to last forever.
NTP: 到此结束\NAnd that's a wrap.
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