
苹果台式机 2015_ Chinese video translation & subtitling


# Exported by Aegisub 3.2.1
NTP: 去年(2014年)苹果推出了一款清晰度超高  5K屏 27英寸显示器的iMac电脑\NLast year, Apple brought a super-sharp awe-inspiring 5K display, twenty seven inch iMac.
NTP: 在一体机配备中属于最好的屏幕\NBest screen you have ever seen in an all-in-one PC,
NTP: 这使苹果向每款机型都配备retina显示器的目标更近了一步\Nand moved the company closer to putting retina displays on every Mac.
NTP: 2015年 在推出新款iMac电脑之后  苹果离这个目标更近了一步\NAnd now it's 2015 Apple almost hit that goal with the launch of latest iMacs.
NTP: 显示器的清晰度更好 而小尺寸的4K屏也有其优越之处\NThe displays even better and now there's a smaller 4Kers and looks fantastic in its own right.
NTP: 从外观上来看 iMac还保持惯有的铝合金及玻璃设计外壳\NOn the outside Apple's new iMac stayed the same aluminum and glass designs had for years now.
NTP: 在机身后侧的插线孔位置也没有变化\NThe ports around back are also unchanged now,
NTP: 2个雷电接口  4个USB 3.0接口\Ntwo thunderbolt, two ports, four USB three,
NTP: 一个SD卡端口 一个麦克风接口及网线接口\Na SD card slot, headphone jack and Internet.
NTP: 新型USB C型接口不是很实用 需要绕过整个机身来使用接口\NA new USB type C which is a real pain since get a reach around the iMac to plug anything in.
NTP: 所以转化端口的转接线是必备的\NSo reversible plug would've been real nice.
NTP: 在显示屏方面清晰度很高 几乎无法分辨像素\NThen you get to the screen and it's crisp impossible to distinguish pixels.
NTP: 在27英寸显示器具有1470万像素 新型4K屏幕具有940万像素\NThey're 14.7 million pixels in the 27 inch model, 9.4 million on the new 4K version.
NTP: 两种尺寸的 iMac retina显示屏较之前都可呈现更多颜色\NAt both sizes a new retina iMac can display a wider color panel than before,
NTP: 使显示物品更加生动逼真\Nmaking everything you see more vibrant, and true to life.
NTP: 用户在日常使用中可能不会察觉这种变化\NIt's  not something you always notice in daily use,
NTP: 不过对于专业人员来说 这种改进是很明显的\Nthe professionals will definitely see the difference.
NTP: 新款iMac特别适合用来观看及编辑智能手机中4K的视频\NThese new iMacs are also perfect way to watch and edit a 4 K video clips from your smartphone.
NTP: 这个视频就是完全用iPhone 6s plus拍摄的\NSay iPhone 6s plus just what we used to shoot this entire video.
NTP: 这iMac 都改进使用更快的芯片\NInside both iMacs features are upgraded to faster chips.
NTP: 大屏显示器机型具有两个Skylake处理器 而小屏4K并不具备\NUntil two Skylake processors power the big one but not the 4K model.
NTP: 不过不用担心 两款机型都马力十足\NDon't be too worried about that both machines are plenty powerful.
NTP: 小屏机型随机不具有高效GPU\NThe smaller one lacks any sort of dedicated GPU
NTP: 所以不适合游戏 一定要升级硬盘\Nso won't do you much good for gaming and whatever you do, make sure upgrade the hard drive.
NTP: 因为一般苹果标配为5400 RPM硬盘\NBecause Apple sticks painfully slow 5400 RPM hard drive and the cheapest iMac.
NTP: 所以 升级到Fusion Drive是关键\NSo moving up to a Fusion drive assisting is essential.
NTP: 新款iMac同样配备新款配件\NAlong with the new iMac, there are new accessories.
NTP: 苹果重新设计了鼠标、键盘及触控板 可充电\NApple's redesigned its magic mouse, keyboard and track pad and all of that are chargeable.
NTP: Magic track pad 2触控板的设计也有相应变化\NMagic track pad 2, has seen those changes.
NTP: 尺寸更大 颜色仍为白色\NIts bigger, it's white and
NTP: 现在像其他MacBooks一样可接收压力感应触碰\Nnow supports forced touch, just like most of MacBooks.
NTP: 如果你按压触控板 可以用来在字典中查单词\NIf you push a bit harder on the track pad, you can look up words in the dictionary
NTP: 或者在地图中查看地址 或者预览链接等等\Nor see addresses in maps or preview links.
NTP: 这些都是很有用的功能 不过也是很容易被大多数人忽略的\NIt's useful stuff but it's also the kind of thing most people probably just forget about.
NTP: 键盘及鼠标的设计也有轻微变动\NThe keyboard and mouse have seen slight-like design changes
NTP: 如果你想要给鼠标充电 需要将充电器插进鼠标底部\Nand it have to charge the ladder by pointing the lightning cable into the bottom,
NTP: 这个设计有点奇怪 不过充满后电力可以持续尽一个月时间\Nit is kind of weird but thankfully all three last a month once they are charged.
NTP: 5K、4K机型都是很强大的 具有完美的显示器\NSo those of the new 5K and 4K iMacs, they are superpowerful both have amazing displays.
NTP: 这是苹果制造的最好的iMac机型之一 不过价格不菲\NThese are the best kind of iMacs Apple made yet but they're also not exactly cheap.
NTP: 4K机型价格至少在$1800以上\NYou will spend at least $1800 for for a 4K model that works the way you've wanted to
NTP: 如果配备更好装置需要在 $2000左右\N2000 if you want something really great.
NTP: 如果配置Fusion drive或新款触控板  大屏机型价格会达到$2000以上\NAnd the bigger one also climbs to over $2000 want once you add a Fusion drive or that new magic track pad.
NTP: 不过这些配置都是物超所值\NBut those are prices worth paying.
NTP: 因为苹果生产的iMac 无论在设计、性能还是售后服务方面都是最好的\NBecause Apple's iMacs are already the best all-in-one PCs only  in factory design performance, customer support.
NTP: 而就外观方面来说 这两款机型也是最有优势的\NNow and they're far and away the best looking ones to be coming in two sizes.
NTP: 视频翻译联系_QQ516924496 \N电话/微信18620804147\N\N

